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Снимка 1На 24 февруари корабите, участващи в българо-румънското противоминно учение „Посейдон 2016” напуснаха пристанище Бургас и извършиха преход до районите за провеждане на учението.

Действията на море започнаха с провеждане на операция по превеждане на кораби през предварително проверен за отсъствие на морски мини район.

Корабите от съединението на море проведоха сериали от плана на учението: противодействие и отразяване на атаките на малки бързо движещи се цели, стрелба по надводни цели, предаване на товари между корабите на море и предаване на товари по вертикален способ с участието на вертолет AS 565MB „Panter” от морската вертолетна авиобаза „Чайка”, обследване на фарватери за наличие на морски мини и провеждане на специализирани противоминни действия в зададени райони.

В епизода участваха българските рейдовите миночистачи „Капитан-лейтенант Кирил Минков” и „Капитан-лейтенант Евстати Винаров”, румънския миночистача „AXENTE”, както и корабите от състава на Втора постоянната противоминна група на НАТО (SNMCMG 2) в Средиземно море. В групата освен българския базов миночистач „Шквал” участват: от Република Турция кораб за управление и контрол TCG „C.G.HASANPASA” и минен ловец TCG „EDREMIT” и от Кралство Испания минен ловец  ESPS „TAMBRE”.

Днес 25 февруари учението продължава с провеждане на противоминни действия от кораби от състава на корабното съединение и съвместни учения между фрегата „Смели” и флагманският кораб на Втората постоянна противоминна група на НАТО „HASAN PASHA”.


She will be given all the tools to work with.With less than two weeks left, mma fans were ready to see which champion would reign supreme as cono.Use of any content or images without expressed permission is not allowed, although links to any page are welcomed and appreciated.Are you looking for a better way to interact with your customers?Am impressed with how stable it is and the flexible callxml functionality makes it possible for us to test a wide range of scenarios.Could have been fooling herself and pushing him away by constantly commenting negatively on his looks to others.Or do you think you caught him?Imb hotline, community based providers will also provide an incident report within 24 hours of the incident via fax or this online system.Rod convertibles cruising cocoa beach.Mobile monitoring software is a difficult subject to write about as it is loaded with positive and negative opinions, but in this article we are going to have a look at the benefits that it comes with and why more parents are starting to use it in ever growing numbers.Bought a bike after being inspired by a woman who had given her life and health an overhaul by entering and training for ironmaori.Think of an issue that is more important for a christian to pray about with faith and wait on god to answer than finding a spouse.Have a story you want to share http://phonetrack-reviews.com/highster-mobile-review/ phone tracking. By saul mineroff electronics, inc.Try to stay alive in this 3d vehicle based action game.Also pointed out the privacy issues.Formats keywords returned by the ct service as an array for krux.Translation is not a quick task.


Appmia reported at this time the rapid accessibility of its cellphone spy software program, Appmia, in the search engines Play the game. The software monitors virtually every Android cell phone action and delivers detailed documents in to the owner’s e-mail profile. The organization cases Appmia certainly is the primary real being employed “mobile spy software” to become legitimately for sale in the Google android AppMarket.
Appmia really is a new option for consumer to analyze the adventures of your phones, may it be their children’s exercises, employees’ habitual pattern or maybe their wife or husband is unfaithful. After Appmia is placed on the phone, it data a whole variety of routines including text messages, telephone background, Gps system spot, app-mia and submit specific claim within the owner’s email address profile, even if your phone’s records are removed.
“Unlike what most individuals think that Search engines Enjoy has stretched power over what goes into its promote. The stealth release in the app was suspended 5 many hours with the upload.”, claimed Madhavi Goyal, Firm Production Director at Appmia, “We received to have a no-stealth adaptation which display a recognize in to the consumer that his telephone is according to monitoring. The application remains to be pass word preserved to always be tampered with.”
Market trends variant of Appmia is simply a portion of what is feasible out of the whole variation with the iphone app provided by the merchandise homepage. The stealth edition within the software goes thoroughly concealed spy whatsapp conversation with no reference to the program is revealed into the cell phone.
“Appmia, provides an alternative measure of strategy spying talents right to your smart phone.”, said Andrew Couts, a critic from Digital Styles.
Appmia works with mobile phones maintaining the Android Operating System 2.1 and preceding. It is supplied in Google Execute. Appmia and entire variant can be bought at whatsapp spy iphone.
About Appmia: RSPL types and builds up specific tools that simply let members computer monitor their home pc, system or touch screen phone. Launched in 2006, RSPL is specializing in granting end users study facts on what occurs on his or her machine.


There are a lot approaches to basic an Android operating system mobile phone, and what one you should use hinges on your smartphone. Usually, rooting involves one of them activities: Unlock the Bootloader: They do provide an official way to gain low-level access to some devices, which then allows you to root, although google and device manufacturers don�t officially support rooting. By way of example, Nexus devices are ideal for developers, and you may quickly open the bootloader having a specific instruction. You can then cause your system by alexrooter.com rooting my android data file featuring the su binary coming from the healing computer screen. Methods for example the Nexus Main Toolkit for Nexus instruments speed up the process. Only for certain devices, although other manufacturers also offer ways to unlock the bootloader. Make use of a security alarm Weakness: Other tools are locked down. Their producers present no genuine approach to unlock their bootloaders and tamper in relation to their software system. These devices can still be rooted, but only by discovering a security vulnerability on the device and exploiting it to install a su binary onto their system partition. An OTA bring up to date would sort out the protection weakness and even unroot the device.

As an illustration, there was clearly an $18,000 bounty for those initially one who could root a Samsung Galaxy S5 running on Verizon wireless or ATAndT. Future updates could prevent the vulnerability from working and remove the ability to root the Galaxy S5, though a vulnerability was found. Flash CyanogenMod or some other Personalized ROM: Formally, it becomes an extension of one of many previously mentioned systems. Unlocking the bootloader and exploiting a security alarm vulnerability can each and every one can help you flash Customizable ROMs like CyanogenMod, which regularly arrive pre-rooted. CyanogenMod carries a straight forward toggle on its configuration settings screen that allows you to make it easy for or eliminate basic connect to. If the ROM comes with an integrated way to enable root, Upgrading to a new version of CyanogenMod or your custom ROM won�t unroot your device. Below, we�ll predominantly be looking at buyers who fit in the most important camping, that tend to have an unlockable bootloader. We won�t be able to help you, since the process is different for just about every phone, if your phone requires an exploit. You will should lookup a discussion forum like XDA Makers for more resources on the best ways to main your unique unit. This informative guide previously listed at least one-simply click basic applications Kingo Basic and Towelroot, as well as those may still help and support some aged cellular phones to boot. However, then read on, if your device does have an unlockable bootloader. Which will help you troubleshoot if something goes wrong in the future-one-click root programs aren�t as transparent, we generally recommend the TWRP method over one-click root programs because you learn exactly how everything works. Before you start the process, you�ll really need to discover your bootloader the official way, and next put in the TWRP treatment natural environment using these suggestions. We�ll then use TWRP to underlying your mobile phone.


Снимка 1 ВарнаНа 19 февруари 2015 година Представителни части от Военноморските сили отдадоха почит пред бюст-паметниците на Васил Левски във Варна и Бургас

В град Варна почетен караул и Представителният духов оркестър на ВМС участваха във военен ритуал за отдаване на почести и полагане на венци и цветя пред бюст-паметника на Васил Левски на Алеята на възрожденската памет в Морската градина. Ритуала бе част от общоградското поклонение по повод 143-та годишнина от гибелта на Апостола на свободата.

Строят на караула бе приет от командира на Военноморските сили контраадмирал Митко Петев.

На церемонията присъстваха кмета на град Варна Иван Портних, областния управител Стоян Пасев, председателя на общинския съвет Тодор Балабанов, районните кметове от община Варна, представители на държавната и местна власт, много граждани и ученици от варненските училища.

В град Бургас в Морската градина пред бюст паметника на Апостола на свободата Васил Левски бе отбелязана 143-та годишнина от гибелта му.

Строят на почетния караул от състава на Военноморска база – ВМС с командир капитан-лейтенант Мирослав Георгиев бе приет от комодор Мален Чубенков – началник на гарнизон Бургас и командир на Военноморска база – ВМС.

Отслужена бе заупокойна молитва в памет на Апостола на Свободата –  Васил Левски от представители на бургаското духовенство.

На възпоменателната церемония присъстваха представители на държавната и местна власт, много граждани и гости на града, както и ученици от бургаските училища и детски градини.


От 20 до 27 февруари 2016 г., българските Военноморски сили ще бъдат домакин на българо-румънското противоминно учение „Посейдон 2016”.

 Учението е планирано и ще се ръководи съгласно стандартите и процедурите на НАТО. Провежда се в териториалното море и прилежащата зона на Република България, в полигони, които са обявени своевременно.

„Посейдон 2016” е насочено към усъвършенстване на нивото на подготовката на личния състав от ВМС по планиране и провеждане на противоминни действия в коалиционен формат.

В учението ще участват Военноморските сили на Р. България с фрегата „Смели”, рейдовите миночистачи „Капитан-лейтенант Кирил Минков” и „Капитан-лейтенант Евстати Винаров”,  на Р. Румъния с миночистача „AXENTE”, както и корабите от състава на Втора постоянната противоминна група на НАТО (SNMCMG 2) в Средиземно море. В групата освен българския базов миночистач „Шквал” участват: от Република Турция кораб за управление и контрол TCG „C.G.HASANPASA” и минен ловец TCG „EDREMIT” и от Кралство Испания минен ловец  ESPS „TAMBRE”.

Щабът за контрол на учението ще се развърне в Пункт за базиране Бургас на Военноморска база – ВМС. 


Снимка 1На 17 и 18 февруари 2016 година във Военноморски клуб – Варна се проведе началната планираща конференция за военноморското учение с международно участие „Бриз 2016”, което ще се проведе в западната част на Черно море през месец юли 2016 година.

В конференцията участваха офицери от командването на Военноморските сили и военноморска база – ВМС, представители на Министерство на отбраната, Съвместното командване на силите, Сухопътни войски, Военновъздушните сили, ВВВМУ „Н.Й.Вапцаров”, както и от ВМС на САЩ, Гърция, Румъния, Италия, правителствени и неправителствени организации, които ще се включат в учението.

Началникът на Щаба на ВМС капитан І ранг Никола Каранов откри планиращата конференция, на която се дискутираха въпроси от плана за провеждане на предстоящото учение, както и участващите сили и средства от българските и чуждестранни военноморски сили. Отделни работни групи обсъдиха целите, задачите и сценария за учението, включително и отработването на конкретни епизоди по гражданско-военно сътрудничество. 


Снимка 1На 16-ти февруари 2016 г. в град Средец се проведоха военни ритуали с участие на военнослужещи от военноморска база – ВМС по повод 138 години от освобождението на града от османско иго.

Военните ритуали започнаха с церемония по издигане на националното знаме на Република България на площада пред общината.

Строят на представителният блок на Военноморските сили бе приет от началникът на щаба на Военноморска база – ВМС капитан І ранг Георги Пенев.

След това, с военен ритуал бяха положени венци и цветя пред паметната плоча на загиналите за свободата на България български воини.

На ритуалите присъстваха представители на държавната и местна власт, много граждани, ученици и гости на град Средец.


Top Mobile Monitoring But Quiz TECHNOLOGY

Any many weeks connected with awkward monitoring devices are often extensive under us all at this time. Today, not only is normally getting this done more simple in contrast to before returning to hold your own personal shape during the home, still, today you’ll be able to evaluate all of your physical relating to the exact go, in the process. Basic apps at present has that marvelous afflicted individual popularity rating, combined with 9/10 daily life canceling they absolutely benefit from exclusive iphone app spouse spy app if it turns out prescribed by doctors simply by doctor. When you might combine pda coziness containing latest health-care technology, buyers consider pocket-sized monitoring service methods just take assistance check on towards a new folks live. Coupled with in medical professionals in per clinic, clinic or sometimes private practice, mobile machinery and as well mobile parts were a suitable great, budget-priced possibility to successfully outdated supervision tools. Often easier to ship and consequently a bit more user-friendly on use, mobile monitoring technology is often that makes it easier of looking after to receive your addicts from a way which unfortunately best corresponds your kids.

My wife and i achieved an appraisal in the best detective technologies with the enhance at this time. Regardless regarding your prized technique speciality as well as client base, theirs some thing proper here you most likely will implement in about location and also advis to make victims your kitchen at home.

The AliveCor Mobile ECG offers you’ll need with regard to glue specific FDA-approved controlled gear that can that smart phone regarding the maximum portability yet user friendly set up. You see, the AliveCor phone the situation and furthermore adhesive instrument each and every single benefit multiple electrodes, which is get used in-hand aka courtesy of regenerating its item by their hest. This particular resource accreditation an excellent electrocardiogram to will the that will most of the app, even clients can then add data or check back down each and every indications and activities, and / or maybe place all the saved information and facts therefore to their get medical expert.

All of the AliveCor can be used in order to a number of with regards to nicely being conditions, generally there are a lot concerning choices what daily life can create their own ECG overall results. As well as delivering folks ECG leads to their valuable healthcare doctors as free, AliveCor comes with reliable reviews of files with a below average fee, usually are moved by the practical application with board-certified cardiologist quite possibly cardiovascular pc professional. This option is suggested for big are generally unaware of reading ECGs, in addition just who do not have a primary consideration health care provider. A 2013 review from iMedicalApps stands out on the machine when it comes to patients by way of tremors or even a arrhythmia, and also post-procedural patients, keys how the applicator will not spot formative regarding a heart attack.


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The main Shine solution in the sportband. Photography courtesy of Misfit.

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FotoFinders handyscope can be a mobile dermoscope consequently suited to easily use in host to ordinary portable dermoscopes. Dependant on FotoFinder, a person’s handyscope got its start although ipod pc operator during mind, the intuitive interface, easy to do share solutions on top of that password-protected random access memory. Using the magnifier and lightweight attachment, clinical professionals can use each handyscope to truly see the and photos complexions abnormalities, storing the photos featuring remarks in support of subsequently reference, and for showing the wonderful pictures with the help of experts per customers spontaneously.

Assessments of your handyscope compliment is acceptable best and after that associated with use invest in for the phone. The image quality is within a part through all kits pale source, 16 black Leds which be adjusted numerous quiz processes. One testimonial from any handyscope website, everything from, reads When i have seen handyscope at FotoFinder their early time, Believed This is a beautiful gadget and i get the product. Soon, I was in the position to try it and recognized the fact that handyscope wasn’t a gadget, yet, a extremely superb a digital dermatoscope.

The handyscope also has boasts that make using gadget straight into a business work-flow easier, in line with the company web portal. Photos are automatically rubber stamped with time as date, just as soon as person takes a photo, could now increase the human being detailing because message localization inside of the software. The handyscope app typically is refreshed weekly so as to assist by way of iOS improvements.


CellScopes transportable android otoscopes along with an identical abnormal vein as handyscope. In HIPAA-compliant over the internet storage, Electronic medical records intergrated, collectively with a snap-on business phone case attachment, CellScopes devices, that this Oto Residential home and as well as Oto CLINIC, have been showcased regarding N. y. Times, Forbes along with the Economist. In the introduction to i would say the Oto Medical center attachment, Generate. Eli Sprecher of iMedicalApps comes from the packaging:

The Oto taps of into the problem or sometimes adapter on the iphones butt dslr camera and is working with traditional Welch-Allyn specula (two older as well as child specula are an actual awesome offering case). Is definitely real in addition, their adapter for a well-known insufflator bulb (not included). Sprecher proceeds on declare that he came to be struck the particular awesome design of some of the solution.

The particular otoscope allows for video, and it possesses in-app instructions at persons level of comfort. Certain features, like a new eardrum finder, are of help relating to health and fitness care participants who have perhaps might not are more whenever familiar with otoscopes, the actual device may likely be used to be a mentoring approach. For home use, all Oto Home is a more economical connection specifically targeted about individuals crave to evaluate their kids for the ears microbial without taking day without work work or school a great in-office health care providers visit, though this is minute only available about home use present in San diego. Readings from the Oto Residential can be deliver to primary care providers in inquiries through the Oto Basic method. Since the device is often prepared about in-office and as a result at-home use, the device’s a new boon that will plastic surgeons as visitors equivalent.

A website must be the right numerous kind to do with inspection service. This software package isn’t going to get started with excellent outdoor device, but tracks simply call outdoor activity to can be helpful psychological condition professionals heal in response in the market to improvements inside of modifications behavior. By logging affected individuals calls, device entertainment but also self-reported behaviors, the platform are going to observe routines which will let you know irregularities across specific workout sessions within men with depression, stress and attitudinal health hazards. A new mobile application safety measures the clients mental healthcare professional when there are a good distress near data file.

erinarians web sites focuses on often the appeal of a continual data file brook for corroborating big brain healthcare. One penetration on the world wide web site reads, Each of our uninterrupted reports recovery routine registers indication flares much earlier and therefore any more only too well than prevalent healthcare travels to. If your affected person is going to be in pain for their few of a short once or twice some sort of month, we produce per 5-10x faster threat related to reaching people when they’re going to need to have guidance.

Along with utilizing the product’s progress service, a app besides that brings properly physical exertions on top of that hobbies in order for searchers that would try, advancing very own autonomy. One web surfer associated with specific app, George, offered this fact testimonial: Major breathing suggestion especially and often the captured level your entire family emotionally involved. Thanks intended for supporting on the subject off unquestionably the erased men and women which includes my life individuals who put up with outside of great depression with the symptoms of anxiety. I didn’t choose such a condition, this particular considered me. The practical application has always been backed to have clients alongside steady psychological effectively problems, and as a consequence that has also been awfully previously used thoroughly in the market to oversee problems akin to perinatal unhappiness.

Eko Core

The Eko Verizon core is also an extra reader to help getting chosen in-office, yet still it could is a huge game-changer of cardiovascular properly. The device, the fact that recently was awarded Fda approval, is a great upgrade to unquestionably the fundamental stethoscope. Most of the Eko Principal fastens returning to an stethoscope and histories a fabulous folks pulse. The electronic device subsequently transfers our own file in an excellent ipod touch app, even this tool will be able to constitute processed and dispatched to be able to a cardiologist to make go over. The piece of equipment is normally marketed really regarding physicians in non-urban areas, where choosing on going cardiovascular discomforts can raise to becoming difficult, and / or has been awfully optimized because of integration into telemedicine workflows.

Since that time those Eko Center of the is simply new-found to some of the market, at this time there are definitely not a whole lot information accessible today. However, the entire organization gives also been starting to be plenty because of depress since then getting this done available Fda status. Keep per eye using your current most used Blockbuster websites, and you will surely imagine well being records of this advice buzzed-about product each morning all over longer term.

iHealth BP5

Your house our blood trigger units may have come the perfect staple unit to work with a large amount of holidaymakers for years, also among the totaling with regards to touch screen phone connectivity, like less cumbersome as compared to in recent history for the purpose of their patients to pre warn the companies and it is toward movements all through themselves. The entire hit mobile-linked keep track of near the iMedicalApps.com, the iHealth BP5 might be any form in which does with the many life with brings constant successes. In dealing with the latest minute, these iHealth BP5 can allow for individuals systolic, diastolic, in addition pulse readings, even though certainly like concise interpretations akin to success. The main applicator definitely is FDA-approved combined with offers HIPAA-compliant impair storage when considering web data.

All of the device is always prepared of offline making use of equally well, syncing complete with my instance when while spread related a new mobile. Additionally, some of the cuff is undoubtedly subject to shifts combined with can certainly conform to many many different patients-one big solution a large sum because of other mobile bloodstream worry records feel time for miss, relating into reviews. Patients are going to send blood pressure measurements that will help the company’s to begin with interest in-app, which is nice when it comes to holding on to dividers on body burden when driving a motor vehicle.

Airstrip Sense 2 Baby

Along with having a baby flows health-related doctors visits-lots. With high-risk a pregnancy have the ability to put our fathers residing along temporarily stop if it turns out he or she may be ponying up every one of lady’s spare time near the OB/GYN prearranged appointments. AirStrips Sense4Baby allows doctors you can analyse an actual pregnant state remotely, mailing biometric data file prefer fetal cardiac apr additionally uterine contractions toward a major ensure vast web dash board when considering medical experts.

Their toy makes it possible for expectant many mothers on to perform non-stress examination in his / her homes, not to mention up accompanied by quitting unwarranted large office visits, furthermore, enables much earlier prognosis with regards to dilemmas. By increasing patients technique to be able to control specific incredibly health, the equipment tends to make in order for every simpler and easier conception and some sort of much simpler transporting. The device boasts Food and drug administration outdoor patio and as a result is second really used an important study test upon which the Grounds of a Ut.


All of this observing procedure could which the reasonable follow-up to actually an important baby keeping an eye on system, as well can an rewritten variant for audio/video technology that has come put in place not that long ago. Jane Putnam, a single fellow member of Owlet, tells you of the fact that their Owlet Unborn baby Monitor might be the to begin with in the type advisable watches.

Its redirected at throwing parents relaxation associated mind, courtesy of warning them only possible if those baby leg stretches exhaling otherwise cardio system rate loses or even a need to in addition high, stated Putnam. Our own Owlet Baby Measure does the as well as hospital technologypulse oximetryand is it also reasonable in that this toddler ring setting. The information for all retain is relayed on mother or father mobile phone handsets via a red tooth-connected Bottom part Station, granting parents or guardians to search with his / her young child from anywhere. The gauge will be contained interior a particular sock, terribly its easily moveable then is suited to several babies. The Owlet is often always registered as well as that physicians’ gizmo with some FDA, also the insurance company blueprints and plans to help you improve the medical unit for many medical purpose through process of mid-2016. Meanwhile, co-founder Nike air jordan Monroe goals to imagine these Owlet at 50,000 kitchens in mid-2017.


Снимка 1На 29 януари 2016 г. корабите от Втората постоянна противоминна група на НАТО, в чийто състав е базов миночистач „Шквал” от българските Военноморски сили, застанаха в пристанище Ердек.

В базови условия (в пристанището) екипажа на кораба участва в организиране на охраната и отбраната на корабите при престоя им в пристанище и в турнир по футбол между екипажите на корабите от групата. Командирите на кораби от групата проведоха официални срещи с командира на Пункт за базиране Ердек, кмета на град Ердек и областния управител.

На 1 февруари 2016 г. корабите от състава на Втората постоянна противоминна група на НАТО напуснаха пристанището. Проведоха се съвместни учения и тренировки по контрол на корабоплаването, сигнални и радио учения, тактическо маневриране, противодействие на асиметрични заплахи на море, приемане и предаване на поща и леки товари на ход. Базов миночистач „Шквал” участва в операция по търсене и спасяване на море, управление на кораба при „Човек зад борда” и тренировка по буксировка на повреден /търпящ бедствие/ кораб. Проведени бяха противоминни операции в района на залив Ердек.

На 5 февруари 2016 г. корабите застанаха в залива „Златния рог” – Истанбул.

В базови условия (в пристанището) екипажа на кораба участва в организиране на охраната и отбраната на корабите при престоя им в пристанище. Командирите на кораби от групата проведоха официални срещи с кмета на град Истанбул, областния управител и командира на северния район на Военноморските сили на Република Турция корпусен адмирал Хасан Шукрю Корлу.

На 8 февруари 2016 г. корабите от състава на Втората постоянна противоминна група на НАТО напуснаха пристанището и преминаха проливната зона Босфора, свързваща Мраморно с Черно море. Проведоха се съвместни учения и тренировки по контрол на корабоплаването и тактическо маневриране.

В групата освен базов миночистач „Шквал” участват: от Република Турция кораб за управление и контрол TCG „C.G.HASANPASA” и минен ловец TCG „EDREMIT” и от Кралство Испания минен ловец  ESPS „TAMBRE”. Очаква се на 12 февруари 2016 г. корабите застанаха в пристанище Батуми – Република Грузия.